Even on the most uneventful days…….

Is it bad to sleep 24 hours straight?  No I am not depressed.  I was just tired…… I think.  Why should I feel shame associated with my “nap”?

It’s Saturday.  It’s rainy.  It’s my day off, WITHOUT kids around.  Yes!  I think I will sleep till my back hurts! And I shouldn’t care what the public thinks.  Yet, I do care in the tiniest way.  Could I have used this time more wisely? Probably.  But did I miss any important events?  No.  The rain still drenched everything with or without my participation.  Which leads me to……..

Unfortunately, it drenched the dogs too.   My peaceful slumber was slightly interrupted this morning so I could take #2 to work. It was this time the K-9 kids went outside to do their business and play (it was NOT raining).  I let them stay out and play when I returned home and decided to take a “nap”. Unfortunately, at some point, the sky started to fall.

Sleeping during a storm is magical!  Even if I wasn’t asleep completely, I was enjoying the sounds of the storm. (What dogs?)  Fast forward 8 hours… TIME TO GET UP!  Eventually I would have to leave to pick up #2 from work.  That is when I realized the dirty deed had been done.

Two things went through my mind………  Oh how miserable they must be, and……. #2 is going to kill me.  (Sometimes my kids scare me, don’t judge!)

In a rush I brought the K-9 kids in and they were only slightly wet. Saw the depressed, abused, look on their faces and celebrated them with treats! (Because I don’t know any other way)  Dried them off and left to retrieve the real parent of this evening.

Funny thing…….  While I was apologizing to the dogs and covering my tracks it started raining again.   #2 was waiting outside for me to get her.  : )  I laugh not out of meanness, but out of something else.  It’s these little things in life that feel like paybacks for the grey hairs and the worry lines that may or may not be developing.

It is after 8PM and I feel like the day is ready to begin.  Soooo, maybe sleeping away the day was not the best thought out plan, or is this just another example of how TIME is evil and the dictator of control and alleged order?  Blog for another time.  For now, I am off to the gym.
